Have you ever had too much information and not enough space on your marketing pieces?
Well, QR codes are a foolproof way to quickly share large amounts of information with your customers.
QR codes, or quick response codes, are storage containers for digital information like URLs and portals to those digital locations. Now why would a business want to use these boxy little patterns?
Small things that pack a big punch: QR codes are the perfect tool to pack a whole lot of information into a small space. That random seeming pattern stores digital roadmaps to direct your customer, deliver information or encourage a call to action.
Ease of use: Seems like everyone these days has a smart phone and with it a QR code scanner. Add a small call to action title next to the code and easily guide the viewer to where you want them to go. QR codes are great tools to get your customer from print to digital platforms!
Why use them: There are many uses for these small but mighty graphics that benefit businesses in all sorts of ways: A link to contact information, direct people to your website or email sign up list, ask them to leave a review, drop them onto your social media platforms, lead them to special offers, menus or additional product information, link them to payment methods or phone numbers to call and order. These are great tools for any business or industry.
Where to use them: QR codes are effective in many sizes and on all your print marketing. The most popular small pieces are business cards and postcards, where you can start with basic information and direct viewers to more with the QR code. Large format marketing can also benefit from QR codes, especially at conventions or other large gatherings. Place QR codes on banners, signs, even canopy tents where minimal text in used and the QR code can expand on the information for on-the-go viewers.
So, these plain looking little boxes pack a lot of information into one graphic, are easy to use, can communicate a multitude of locations and information and be placed on all your print marketing.
With all this in mind how do you plan to use QR codes in your next marketing campaign?